Membership Renewal

Due to the current situation an executive decision has been made to enable us to keep flying as follows;

Fees will be $135 which is the MAAQ/MAAA component and a pro rata amount of $14/month until the end of September, totalling $177.

*Associate/Affiliate applicants must be a full member of another MAAA club

Payment instructions will be shown once the form is submitted. Payment is to be made by bank transfer. Please remember to include your first and last name in the payment description. 

Skip if not applicable
I agree to the terms of the TAA constitution, by laws, code of contact behaviour, and the safety rules of the association. I have read the TAA constitution, and understand my responsibilities as a TAA member, in particular, relating to section 4. 1. By checking the "I agree" box, I have agreed to abide by the rules of Incorporated Association, by laws, the code of conduct behavior, and the safety rules of the association, as amended from time to time, and such agree to the bound by those rules, I agree to the rules that are required as part of our occupation of the field. Members are expected to attend a minimum of 30% of club events, working bees, or all other significant contributions as validated by the management committee. Further, I agree that I will maintain full responsibility for my aircraft at all times, even when being flown by another person, or for whatever reason, including while under instruction. Any complaints against the club, committee member or member must be in writing and handed to any serving management committee member. All new members are to serve a membership probationary period of not less than 12 months from the date acceptance of membership application. I will advise the management committee of any changes in my recorded personal details. If I am the last to leave the field, I will secure and lock up the facilities and the main gate at the entry to the field.